Cards (16)

  • rate of reaction = change in concentration of reactant or product / time
  • the order with respect to a reactant is the power to which the concentration of the reactant is raised in the rate equation
  • the overall order of a reaction is the sum of the individual orders, m + n
  • the rate constant, k, is the constant that links the rate of reaction with the concentrations of the reactants raised to the powers of their orders in the rate equation
  • the time taken for the concentration of a reactant to decrease by half is known as the half-life of the reactant
  • the rate-determining step is the slowest step of a multi-step reaction
  • deducing order of reaction from concentration time graph shape

    a zero order reaction produces a straight line graph, with the concentration decreasing at a constant rate. the half life decreases with time
  • deducing order of reaction from concentration time graph shape

    a first order reaction produces a curved graph with constant half-life and halving of the reactant concentration occurring at equal time intervals
  • calculating reaction rates from gradient measurement of graphs
    rate = change in conc / time for the change to take place
    i.e change in y / change in x
  • from a concentration-time graph of a first order reaction, measurement of constant half-life. t 1/2
    in an example, the initial conc is 1.000 mol dm-3
    half of the conc is 0.500 mol dm-3
    the conc occurs at 54s so the half life is 54s
    in a first order reaction the half life is constant so it will always be 54s
  • because first order reactions have constant half-lives, the value of the half-life can be used to determine the value of the rate constant
    k = ln2 / t 1/2
  • deducing order of reaction from rate time graph shape
    zero order w respect to a given reactant, the rate-concentration graph will appear as a plateaued line
    the graph shows rate rate ∝ [A]^0
    changes in the conc of this reactant have no effect on the rate
  • deducing order of reaction from rate time graph shape
    1st order w respect to a given reactant, the rate-concentration graph will appear as a linear line, positive correlation
    graph shows that rate ∝ [B]^1
    if conc of reactant B is doubled, rate will double
    if conc of reactant B is tripled, the rate will triple
  • deducing order of reaction from rate time graph shape

    2nd order w respect to a given reactant, the rate-concentration graph will appear as a curved line, positive correlation
    the graph shows that rate ∝ [C]^2
    if conc of reactant C is doubled, rate will increase by 2^2
    if conc of reactant C is tripled, rate will increase by 3^2
  • continuous monitoring of rate
    concentration-time graphs can be plotted from continuous measurements taken during the course of a reaction
  • two methods for continuous monitoring of reactions that produce a gas as one of the products
    monitoring by gas collection
    monitoring by mass loss