The nervous system

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Cards (24)

  • Biopsychologists assume that behaviour and experiences are caused by activity in the nervous system.
  • The nervous system transmits signals for communication via the 100 billion nerve cells it houses.
  • These cells communicate with eachother through electrical and chemical messengers.
    • Short dendrites
    • Long axons
    • Carries messages from the CNS to effectors.
    Motor neuron
    • Short dendrites
    • Short axons
    • Transfers messages from sensory neuron to other neurons.
    Relay neuron
    • Carries messages from the PNS to the brain/spinal cord.

    Sensory neuron
  • The PNS transmits messages via millions of neurons to and from the CNS system. Subdivided into:
    • Autonomic NS (ANS) - governs vital functions in the body such as breathing, heart rate, digestion, sexual arousal and stress responses.
    • Somatic NS (SNS) - governs muscle movement and receives information from sensory receptors.

    Peripheral Nervous System
  • ANS subdivided into:
    • Sympathetic nervous system
    • Parasympathetic nervous system
  • Made up of the brain and spinal cord.
    • Brain is the centre of all conscious awareness.
    • Spinal cord is an extension ofthe brain - it passes messages to and from the brain and connects to the PNS.

    Central Nervous System
  • The brain’s outer layer, the cerebral cortex, is highly developed in humans and is what distinguishes our higher mental functions from those of animals.
    • An extension of the brain.
    • Responsible for relaying information between the brain and the rest of the body.
    • Also contains circuits of nerve cells that enables us to perform reflex actions e.g. pulling your hand away from a hot plate.

    The Spinal Cord