controlled observations

Cards (6)

  • one limitation of controlled observations is they lack ecological validity
  • controlled observations reduce extraneous variables
  • behavioural categories are appropriate because they are objective
  • time sampling
    • record the behvioural categories within a set time frame
  • one strength and one limitation of using time sampling
    • one strength is as you focus on just one during a set time its more manageable
    • one limitation is some behaviours will be missed outside intervals
  • Inter-observer reliability
    1. Observers should familiarise themselves with the behavioural categories to be used.
    2. They then observe the same behaviour at the same time, perhaps as part of a small-scale pilot study.
    3. Observers should compare the data they have recorded and discuss any differences in interpretations.
    4. Finally observers should analyse the data from the study. Inter-observer reliability is calculated by correlating each pair of observations made and an overall figure is produced.