other devolution

Cards (9)

  • when devolution was introduced in 1997 the aims were to - enhance democracy with greater representation, decentralise control from London, modernise uk political system, reduce nationalism in Scotland and Wales and establish peace in nothern Ireland
  • Scotland- key powers- income tax 2016, primary legislation and administrative- devolved power areas- taxation, health, environment, education, law, elections, welfare and abortion- size of body and electoral system- 129 MPs in the Scottish parliament- impact- rise of SNP gave independce to Scotland and west lothian question
  • Wales- key powers- Tax varying powers 2014, primary legislation 2011 and administrative- devolved policy areas- limited tax varying, health, environment, education, tourism and elections- size of electoral system, - 60 Welsh assembly members- impact- growth in devoloution and variations from England
  • Northern Ireland (NI)- key powers- corporation tax, primary legislation and administrative- devolved policy areas- health service, some welfare, environment, education, law, police and election they and 108 members in the STV and this helped to impact peace, implementation of the good Friday agreement and also power sharing until 2017
  • English mayors 17 in 2018- key powers- administrative- devolved policy areas- transport, education, housing, social services, planning and environmental the size of the London assembly was 25 this impacted transfer of administrative responsibility and local authority
  • west Lothian question is the issue of MPs from devolved areas voting in Westminster on issues that do not affect their own constituents
  • devolution is the processes whereby power but not legal sovereignty is distributed away from the central government to the regional governments
  • uk devolution is asymmetric meaning that three regions have not been granted the same powers
  • the method of election of the assemblies is done by proportional representation and not FPTP