Salivary glands are exocrine glands that produce saliva.
There are 3 large named pairs of salivary glands and multiple unnamed glands in submucosa of oral cavity
Parotid gland
Largest salivary gland; triangular shape
Formed entirely by serous acini
Has an accessory part: small part separated from main gland
Nerve supply of parotid gland
Parasympathetic: inferior salivary nucleus of glossopharyngeal nerve→ tympanic nerve→tympanic plexus→lesser petrosal to optic ganglion→postganglionic fibers runs in auriculotemporal nerve
Sympathetic: from plexus around external carotid
•Salivary glands are two groups
major salivary glands: Parotids, sublingual and submandibular glands. They are compound tubuloalveolar glands. Their secretion is regulated by nervous reflexes.
The minor salivary glands: buccal, labial, lingual&palatine glands. They are simple branched tubuloalveolar glands. They secrete continuously to moisten and lubrificate oral cavity
Structure of major salivary glands
I- Stroma: CT capsule + CT septa: that divide the gland into lobes and lobules.
Reticular fibers: form a network supports the parenchyma.
Parenchyma: Secretory acini: 3 types; serous, mucous and mixed acini.
Duct system: interlobular, interlobar, main duct
Myoepithelial cells
Structures passing through parotid gland
Facial vein: most superficial; it gives 2 branches before it enters gland and 5 branches within the gland (temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular, cervical)
Retromandibular vein formed by superior temporal and maxillary veins
External carotid: gives maxillary and superficial temporal arteries
Two major ducts arising from the parotid gland unite within the substance of the organ to form the parotid duct of Stensen. It opens into vestible of mouthb on a small papulla opposite to second maxillary tooth
Blood supply of parotid gland
Arterial supply: external carotid artery & its branches.
Venous drainage: retromandibular vein.
Lymphatic drainage: parotid (preauricular) & thence to upper group of deep cervical lymph nodes.
Main salivary gland
Mostly water (>90%)
mucin, glycoprotein
IgA antibody
lactoferrin: prevents bacterial growth
proteins that protect teeth
important part of innate immunity. Enzymes( alpha amylase and lingual lipase)