Rejection, terrorization, isolation, exploitation, degradation, ridicule, or failure to provide emotional support, love, and affection; or other action or inaction that may cause behavioral, cognitive, emotional, or mental disorders
Anorexia - eating disorder characterized by self-starvation<|>Bulimia - eating disorder characterized by eating huge portions then purging body by laxatives<|>Binge Eating Disorder - losing control over eating and binges huge quantity of foods
Physiological signs of sexual maturation that do not directly involve organs; these changes unfold in a sequence that is more consistent than their timing
Increased substance use and delinquent behavior, conduct and behavioral disorders, accelerated skeletal maturation, psychosocial difficulties, mental health concerns, adult health issues
Internalizing symptoms, inadequate self-conscious, rejected and dominated, dependent or insecure, aggressive or depressed, more trouble in school, more reactive to interpersonal stress
Trend that can be seen only by observing generations, the trend toward early attainment of adult height and sexual maturity which began a century ago in some countries
Dehydropiandosterone influences growth of pubic, axillary (underarm) and facial hairs, contributes to foster body growth, oilier skin and the development of pubic and underarm hair