
Cards (101)

  • Appears pink to red with the measure of approximately 6 to 8 micrometers in diameters with a zone of power that occupies 1/3 of its center
  • a cell that transport oxygen and carbon dioxide all throughout the body 
  • Are anucleate, biconcave, discoid sales feed with reddish protein called hemoglobin.
  • A hyperviscous blood sample for CBC may indicate which condition?
  • An increase count in rbc and hematocrit is indicative of what condition?
  • A decrease in RBC and hemoglobin count may indicate
  • What solution is added to an aliquot of full blood to measure hemoglobin level?
    Drabkins' solution
  • What method of hemoglobin determination is the Drabkin's reagent?
    Cyanmethemoglobin method
  • A mixture of weak potassium cyanide and potassium ferry cyanide is called?
    Drabkin's reagent
  • Is defined as the ratio of volume of packed RBC to the volume of full blood?
  • A light colored layer between RBC and Plasma that contains WBCs and platelet
    Buffy coat
  • A method of which the whole blood is placed on a capillary tube, centrifuge and measured into a specific reader to manually check the volume of hemoglobin and hematocrit.
    Microhematocrit method
  • Is a reflection of RBC staining intensity and the amount of its central pallor
    MCHC or Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
  • Is a reflection of RBC diameter and wright stained filmed blood
    MCV or Mean Corpuscular Volume
  • Is an expression of mass of hemoglobin
    MCH or Mean corpuscular hemoglobin
  • The measurement of degree of variation in RBC volume
    RDW or Red cell distribution width
  • A variation in diameter of RBC is called
  • The magnification used in light microscopy for examining RBC morphology
    500x and 1000x
  • Aids in diagnosis of anemia and provides stable measurement for internal quality control
  • Young RBCs that contain RNA
  • A stain used to study the presence of RNCs with RNA
    Supravital stain
  • A cell type that is dedicated to protecting the body to infection and injury
  • The term used to describe a decrease in WBC
  • The term used to describe an increase in WBC count
  • Are phagocytic cells was major function is to engulf and destroy microorganism
  • A segmented neutrophil with more than five segments
  • An immature macrophage passing through the blood from its point of origin
  • A segmented neutrophil with less than three segments
  • The term used to describe a less differentiated neutrophil
  • An uncontrollable proliferation of WBC
  • Recognizes foreign antigen and mount humoral and cell mediated responses
  • A cells with dark purple and irregular cytoplasmic granules that obscure the nucleus. They are often elevated during allergic reaction.
  • Are cells with bright orange-red, regular cytoplasmic granules filled with proteins involved in immune systems regulation. They are often increased during parasitic infection.
  • An increase in the lymphocytes count and is often associated with viral infection.
  • Are true bloods that maintain blood vessel integrity by initiating vessel wall repairs.
  • Are the major cells that controls hemostasis.
  • Is a rare malignant condition characterized by extremely high platelet count.
    Essential thrombocytopenia
  • Which of the following is not a WBC parameter?
  • All of the following is an RBC indices except.
    Hemoglobin in hematocrit
  • Blood film examination are examined under what magnification?
    Oil immersion objective