
Cards (10)

  • IP Address
    A number or value that is used to uniquely identify a computer on the internet<|><|>No other computer/server on the same network or on the internet can have the same IP address at the same time
  • Search Engine
    A web-based tool that enables users to locate information on the World Wide Web<|>Search engines utilize automated software applications (referred to as robots, bots, or spiders) that travel along the web, following links from page to page, site to site<|>The information gathered by the spiders is used to create a searchable index of the web
  • Search Engines
    • Google
    • Yahoo
    • Hot Bot
    • Webcrawler
  • Google
    • Fast, relevant, and the largest single catalogue of the web pages available today
    • Maps
  • Yahoo
    • News aggregator, a shopping center, an email box, a travel directory, a horoscope and games center, and more
  • Hot Bot
    • Most suitable for searching specific words or phrases
  • Webcrawler
    • Blends the top search results from Google Search and Yahoo! Search
    1. mail
    Message that may contain files, images, or other attachments sent through a network of specified individual or group<|>Emails can be sent to any person on the network with a valid email account, with any host or website
    1. mail Components
    • From
    • To
    • Cc
    • Bcc
    • Subject
    • SMTP
    • Inbox
    • Drafts
    • Sent Mail
    • Spam
    • Trash
  • Benefits of E-mail
    • Ease of communication
    • Costs
    • Marketing
    • Ease of access
    • Collaboration