Formation of Tissue Fluid
1. The high blood pressure at the arteriole end of a capillary, forces small molecules in plasma across tiny pores in capillary wall into spaces surrounding body cells
2. The fluid which is thus formed is called tissue fluid
4. R.B.C, lymphocytes, blood platelets & plasma protein are too large to pass across capillary wall and hence are absent in tissue fluid
5. Phagocytes can change shape & squeeze through capillary wall
6. The nutrients & oxygen will then diffuse from tissue fluid into body cells and metabolic wastes like carbon dioxide will pass from body cells into tissue fluid
7. At the venule end of capillary, the high osmotic pressure of blood absorbs back into the capillary, tissue fluid containing metabolic waste & other substances
8. Most of the tissue fluid passes back into capillaries at venous end of capillary
9. But a certain amount drains into another vessels called lymph vessel
10. The fluid carried in these are called lymph
11. Lymph has less protein & more fat and fatty acid
12. The lymph vessels eventually return the lymph to blood in subclavian vein near the heart