Effects of Climate Change - Too Much or Too Little Rainfall
fertile lands receive too little rain and become barren or turn into desserts, affecting the growth of crops and production of food
Some places may experience frequent floods because of too much rain
Effects of Climate Change - Heat waves
longer and more intense heat waves can cause forest fires and loss of lives, destroying ecosystems
Effects of Climate Change - TropicalStorms
warmer ocean waters bring strong winds and high tides
tropical storms can harm lives and destroy property, they can also damage farmland due to the deposition of salt by ocean water
Effects of Climate Change - OceanWarming and Acidification
Marine biodiversity is reduced when oceanwater of higher temperatures causes coral reefs to bleach and die
warmeroceanwaterabsorbs more carbon dioxide and formsacidified water.Acidifiedwaterremovescarbonate minerals and causes the shells of marine organisms such as crustaceans to dissolve
Effects of Climate Change - Melting of Glaciers and Polar Ice Caps
Higher average global temperatures cause glacier and polar Caps to melt at a faster rate, resulting in rising seawater levels, which lead to flooding of low-lying coastal areas
Ocean currents are disrupted by the addition of the large amount of fresh water due to the melting of polar ice caps, thus worsening climate change