Readjustment of appraisal, classification or return
1. Such appraisal, classification or return, as finally passed upon and approved or modified by the District Collector, shall not be altered or modified in any manner, except:
2. Within one (1) year after payment of the duties, upon statement of error in conformity with Section 912 of this Act, as approved by the District Collector
3. Within fifteen (15) days after such payment, upon request for reappraisal or reclassification addressed to the Commissioner by the District Collector, if the appraisal or classification is deemed to be low
4. Upon request for reappraisal and/or reclassification, in the form of a timely protest addressed to the District Collector by the interested party if the latter should be dissatisfied with the appraisal or return
5. Upon demand by the Commissioner after the completion of compliance audit in accordance with the provisions of this Act