17. Chronic Bronchitis - Winroth

Cards (21)

  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) - is a common preventable and treatable disease
  • COPD - characterized by persistent airflow limitation
    • progressive and associated with chronic inflammatory response in the airways and lungs to noxious particles and gases
  • COPD - presence of airflow limitation is established by spirometry
  • COPD - FEV1/FVC ratio = less than .70
    • indicate obstructive airway
  • COPD can overlap with
    • emphysema
    • chronic bronchitis
  • COPD - show hyper-responsiveness to exogenous stimuli and histamine
  • There is a relationship between smoking and development of COPD
  • Pack year of smoking is a predictor of FEV1
  • pts with history of smoking with normal spirometry have evidence for worse health related quality of life
  • COPD sputum color changes are associated with?
  • In early stages of smoking, physical exam is normal except?

  • Acute exacerbation of COPD pt appears?
    • anxious
    • tachypneic
    • using accessory muscle - wheezing + cyanosis
  • COPD severe disease finding?
    • barrel chest - sign of hyperinflation + enlarge lungs
    • use of accessory muscles
    • wheezing
  • COPD - physical finding
    • cachexia - wasting
    • due to elevated TNF-a
    • poor prognosis
    • clubbing
    • Hoover's sign - inward movement of rib cage with inspiration
  • COPD primary diagnostic test?
    PFT and spirometry
  • COPD - test for a1-AT deficiency
  • COPD PFT finding
    • FEV1 - reduced
    • FEV1/FVC ratio - less than 0.7
    • TLC - increase
    • DLCO - reduced
  • use of bronchodilator in COPD can increase FEV1/FVC but never back to normal
  • COPD management
    • stop smoking
    • bronchodilator
  • non-pharm therapy of COPD
    • exercise and maintain normal body weight
  • COPD - vaccine for pneumococcal and flu important for preventing infection