According to Strevens 1977 students need to learn english
Hutchinson &Waters 1992 focus on process not the product
Coffey 1985 economical use
Lorenzo 2005 teaching grammar/language structure
Carter 1983 self direction
Robinson 1989 ESP describe as a type of ELT
According to Omera-Ukeke 2005 relationship between ESP & ELT
EMT (english mother tongue) - a person who is born in a country and is fluent in the language of that country
EFL (english foriegn language) is a language that is taught in a school or college
ESL (english for secondary language)
EST (english for sciennce & technology)
EBE (english for businness economic) - aims to help businesses to communicate with customers in a way that is clear and easy to understand
ESS (english for social studies/science)
EAP (english for academic purposes) is a course that focuses on academic writing
EOP (english for occupational purposes)
EVP (english for vocational purposes)
VESL (vocational english for seconnd language) is a course designed to help students improve their English skills
GE (general english) - aims to develop the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing
GL (general language)
ESP has a specific needs
ESP has content related materials
ESP has particular languagefunctions
ESP is learner-centered
ESP is percieve as relevant by the learners
The Role of the teacher- skills can be adapted for teaching
Organizing Programs - set goals for the students/before meeting the students
Setting Goals and Objectives- arrange the conditions/student's capabilities
Establishing a Learning Environment- communication skills establisted the classroom atmosphere
Evaluating Students - identify their language learning problem & find solutions.
Focus for Learning- understand and work with 1language in a context
Subject Matter Language-make real contribution to language learning process/specific field
Adult Learning strategies- adults must work harder than children to learn a new language
GRASPS means (goal,role,audience,situation,product,standards)
Needs analysis- concept of needs analysis has been different over the decades
Hutchinson 1991 there are two kinds of needs target needs & learning needs
Necessities- learner has to know to function accordingly in the target situation
Lacks- are the gap between the target
learning needs- motivation of the learning language
Program- administrators should be interviened soon. Content areainstructors- valuable resources for the ESP teacher. Studentsinterviews- purpose of the needs assessment