The study of the atmosphere, atmospheric phenomena, and atmospheric effects on our weather
The scientific study of Earth's climate, typically defined as weather conditions averaged over a period of at least 30 years
Climate types in the Philippines
TypeI: Two pronounced seasons - Dry from November to April, wet during rest of the year
TypeII: Nodry season with a very pronounced rainfall from November to April and wet during rest of the year
TypeIII: Seasons are notverypronounced; relatively dry from November to April, wet during rest of the year
TypeIV: Rainfall is more or less evenly distributed through the year
The most frequent and extensive natural disaster affecting the country is tropical cyclone
The Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) is annually visited by an average of twenty (20) tropical cyclones (TCs)
Monthly average tropical cyclone frequency in PAR (1948-2021)
January: 0.5
February: 0.3
March: 0.3
April: 0.5
May: 1.0
June: 1.5
July: 3.3
August: 3.1
September: 3.0
October: 2.6
November: 2.0
December: 1.0
Tropical cyclones entering the country are not geographically evenly distributed, with Mindanao largely free of typhoons but experiencing frequent rainfalls
As the climate changes, the direction of tropical cyclones may inevitably change
NationalAmbient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
The government's initiative to protect the environment and general welfare of the public by establishing air quality standards
National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Suspended Particulate Matter (TSP, PM-10)
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
Photochemical Oxidants as Ozone (O3)
Carbon Monoxide
There is a total of twenty-two (22) airsheds in the Philippines as of 2018
Areas with similar climate, meteorology, and topology which affect the interchange and diffusion of pollutants in the atmosphere
Noise pollution
Sound above 65 decibels (dB) according to the World Health Organization (WHO)
Environmental Quality Standards for Noise on General Areas
Category AA: 50 dB (daytime), 45 dB (morning, evening, night)
Category A: 55 dB (daytime), 50 dB (morning, evening), 45 dB (night)
Category B: 65 dB (daytime, evening), 60 dB (morning, night)
Category C: 70 dB (daytime, evening), 65 dB (morning, night)
Category D: 75 dB (daytime, evening), 70 dB (morning, night)
Category AA
A section that requires quietness such as areas within 100 meters from school sites, nursery schools, hospitals, special homes for the aged, and other similar institutions
Category A
Contiguous area primarily used for residential purposes
Category B
Zoned as commercial areas
Category C
Primarily used as light industrial area
Category D
Primarily reserved, zoned or used as heavy industrial area