Cards (8)

  • Raster data
    Composed of cells in a matrix
  • Vector data
    Composed of XY coordinates (vertices) that define the shape of an object
  • Raster data
    Uses a series of cells to represent locations on the earth
  • Vector data
    Uses points and line segments to identify locations on the earth
  • The figure represents vector (left) versus raster (right) data
  • Metadata
    Data providing information about one or more aspects of the data, used to summarize basic information about data that can make tracking and working with specific data easier
  • Usefulness of metadata in Remote Sensing and GIS
    • Enables users to efficiently search for relevant spatial data
    • Assess its suitability for specific applications
    • Determine whether it aligns with their research or project needs
  • Basic elements of the raster data model
    • Cell value - each cell carries a value representing a spatial phenomenon
    • Cell size - determines the resolution of the raster data
    • Raster bands - a raster may have a single or multiple bands
    • Spatial reference - raster data must have spatial reference information to align with other data sets