Cards (48)

  • Rizal, on board Salvadora, left Manila for Singapore
    May 3, 1882
  • Rizal arrived in Singapore
    May 9, 1882
  • Rizal left Singapore on board the French steamer Djemnah
    May 11, 1882
  • The Djemnah reached Colombo
    May 17, 1882
  • Rizal reached the British colony Aden
    May 27, 1882
  • Rizal reached the port city of Suez, the southern terminal of the Suez Canal
    June 2, 1882
  • Rizal arrived at Port Said, the northern terminal of the Suez Canal
    June 7, 1882
  • Rizal arrived at the Italian city Naples
    June 11, 1882
  • Rizal reached and disembarked at Marseilles
    June 12, 1882
  • Rizal left Marseilles on a train for Barcelona
    June 15, 1882
  • Rizal reached Barcelona
    June 16, 1882
  • It was also in Barcelona that he wrote the nationalistic essay Amor Patrio
  • Rizal arrived at Madrid
    September 12, 1882
  • Rizal enrolled in Universidad Central de Madrid (taking Medicine and Philosophy and Letters)

    November 3, 1882
  • Rizal declaimed his Me Piden Versos
    December 31, 1882
  • Rizal joined the Madrid Masonic Lodge Acacia

    March 1883
  • Rizal traveled to Paris
    June 17, 1883
  • Rizal proposed to his compatriots the writing of a novel about the Philippines by Filipinos (the idea behind the Noli)
    January 2, 1884
  • Rizal obtained his Licentiate in Medicine
    June 21, 1884
  • Rizal raised his now famous toast to Luna and Hidalgo
    June 25, 1884
  • Riots in the Universidad occurred
    November 1884
  • Rizal obtained his Licentiate in Philosophy and Letters
    June 19, 1885
  • He also passed all the subjects leading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine but the degree was not awarded because he did not present his thesis and did not pay for the fees for presentation
  • Rizal was living in Paris and worked under the famed ophthalmologist Dr. Louis de Weckert
    November 1885
  • Rizal left Paris for Germany
    February 1, 1886
  • Rizal arrived at Heidelberg
    February 3, 1886
  • Rizal wrote "A Las Flores de Heidelberg"
    April 22, 1886
  • At Wilhelmsfeld, Rizal wrote the final chapters of the novel that he started writing in 1884 while he was in Madrid - the Noli
    April-June 1886
  • Rizal started his correspondence with Blumentritt
    July 31, 1886
  • Rizal arrived at Leipzig
    August 14, 1886
  • Rizal left Leipzig for Dresden
    October 29, 1886
  • Rizal left Dresden for Berlin
    November 1, 1886
  • Noli was finally finished
    February 21, 1887
  • Noli was published
    March 21, 1887
  • Rizal, with Viola, left Berlin on a tour of Europe
    May 11, 1887
  • Rizal arrived at Leitmeritz in the then Bohemia and met Blumentritt for the first time

    May 13, 1887
  • Rizal left Leitmeritz
    May 16, 1887
  • Rizal and Viola arrived at Vienna (after a stopover at Prague)

    May 20, 1887
  • They left Vienna on boat via the Danube for Lintz
    May 24, 1887
  • They arrived at Salzburg
    May 25, 1887