Energy - additional 300 kcal for the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.
Protein - essential as it forms the structural basis for all new cells and tissues in the mother and fetus.
Protein - additional 27 grams of protein
Lack of protein, usually accompanied with calorie deficiency, leads to decreased birth weight and greater incidence of pre-eclampsia.
Carbohydrates - generous amount of carbohydrates (50-60%) is critical to spare protein and to supply energy needs for higher basal energy expenditure and for building tissues
Folate - RNI: 400 ug DFE (non-pregnant); 600 ug (pregnant).
Vitamin B12 - Needed for its key role in blood cell production
Vitamin B12 - RNI: 2.4 ug (non-pregnant); plus 0.2 ug (pregnant)
Vitamin B6 - increases in requirement because of the greater need for non-essential amino acids for growth and also because the body is making more niacin from tryptophan.
Vitamin B6 - (RNI 1.3 – 1.6 + 0.5 mg)
Vitamin A - needed because of its critical role in growth and reproduction
Vitamin A - RNI = 600 plus 300 ug RE
Folate - needed to prevent neural tube defects (NTD)
Calcium – 750-800 mg plus 50mg
Vitamin D - 5 mcg
Pre-eclampsia - formerly called toxemia
Vitamin D - Needed for calcium homeostasis during pregnancy
Vitamin C - enhances absorption of iron and its deficiency is associated with pre-eclampsia
Vitamin C - RNI is 60 mg plus 10 mg/day
Iron - needed to manufacture hemoglobin in maternal and fetal blood cells.
Iron - RNI- 28 mg +10 mg
Calcium and phosphorus - promote adequate mineralization of the fetal skeleton and deciduous teeth during pregnancy.
Zinc - required for DNA and RNA synthesis.
Zinc - Low zinc levels predicts low birth weight
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and Ribonucleic acid (RNA) - most important molecules in cell biology and reading of genetic information that underpins all life
Iodine - increased basal metabolic rate (BMR)
Iodine - 150 mcg plus 100 mcg
Water - An additional 300 ml/day is recommended because of the expanding extracellular fluids, increased BMR, the needs of the fetus, and the amniotic fluid
Amniotic fluid protects the developing baby by cushioning against blows to the mother's abdomen
Nausea and Vomiting - most common discomfort during the early part of pregnancy
Nausea and Vomiting - “morning sickness” (Paglilihi in our culture)
Heartburn - common complaint during the latter part of pregnancy
Constipation - May be due to the relaxation of the smooth muscles; the pressure exerted by the developing fetus on the digestive tract; lack of exercise; and insufficient bulk (fiber) and fluid intakes.
Edema - usually present in the extremities in the 3rd trimester
Gestational Diabetes or GDM - glucose intolerance with onset or first recognition during pregnancy.
Chronic Hypertension - present before pregnancy or diagnosed before 20 weeks of pregnancy
Gestational Hypertension - Exists when elevated blood pressure levels are detected for the first time after midpregnancy, not accompanied by proteinuria.
Neural Tube Effects - malformation of the brain, spinal cord or both during embryonic development that often results to lifelong disability or death.