Carpal bones

Cards (17)

  • 8
    the number of carpals in a single hand
  • carpals
    the wrist bones
  • scaphoid
    the s-shaped, duck-shaped, and boat-shaped carpal bone
  • lunate
    the bowl-shaped and c-shaped carpal bone
  • triquetrum
    the boot-shaped carpal bone
  • pisiform
    the pea-shaped and pea-sized carpal bone
  • trapezium
    the dinosaur-shaped carpal bone
  • trapezoid
    the pyramid-shaped carpal bone
  • capitate
    the bust-shaped carpal bone
  • hamate
    the foam finger-shaped carpal bone
  • 5
    the number of metacarpals in a single hand
  • 14
    the number of phalanges in a single hand
  • metacarpals
    the hand bones
  • phalanges
    the finger bones
  • proximal phalanges
    the phalanges closest to the wrist
  • medial phalanges
    the phalanges between the proximal and distal phalanges
  • distal phalanges
    the phalanges furthest from the wrist