AI Explain

Cards (43)

  • Preservation
    The act of keeping something in its original state or condition to prevent degradation, loss, or damage.
  • Integrity
    Maintaining something's natural or original state; preserving its wholeness or completeness.
  • Pretend
    A verb that means to give a false appearance or impression, often in a humorous or playful way. Examples: "She pretended to be a princess", "He pretended to be asleep", etc.
  • Priest
    A person authorized to perform religious rituals and ceremonies, typically in Christianity.
  • Noun
    A word that refers to a person, place, thing, or idea.
  • Definition
    A clear and concise statement that explains the meaning of a word or concept.
  • Examples of Priest
    Catholic priest, Protestant pastor, Shinto priestress
  • no exclam.
    an interjection, "no"
  • nobody pron
    a pronoun, "not one" or "not anyone"
  • noisy adj
    an adjective, "making a lot of noise"
  • none pron
    a pronoun, "not one" or "not anything"
  • nor
    a conjunction or adverb, "not only A, but also B"
  • normal adj
    an adjective, "typical, standard, or average"
  • north n./adj./adv
    a noun, adjective, and adverb, referring to a direction or orientation
  • northern adj
    an adjective, "related to the north"
  • nose n
    a noun, the organ used for smelling
  • not adv

    an adverb, "not" or "not at all"
  • note n./v
    a noun and verb, referring to a written or printed symbol or mark
  • nothing pron
    a pronoun, "not anything"
  • notice v./n
    a verb and noun, referring to observing or paying attention to something
  • notion n

    a noun, a vague or indefinite idea or opinion
  • novel n
    a noun, a book-length work of fiction
  • November n
    a noun, the eleventh month of the year
  • now adv./conj
    an adverb and conjunction, referring to the present time or an event
  • nowhere adv
    an adverb, "not at any place"
  • nuclear adj
    an adjective, "related to the nucleus of an atom or a nuclear power plant"
  • numerous adj
    an adjective, "abundant or plentiful"
  • nurse n

    a noun, a person who cares for the sick or injured
  • nut n

    a noun, the hard kernel or shell of a fruit or seed
  • object n./v

    a noun and verb, referring to a thing or entity, or opposing or resisting something
  • objective n./adj

    a noun and adjective, referring to a goal or target, or aimed or directed
  • obligation n

    a noun, a duty or responsibility
  • observation n
    a noun, the act of watching or noticing something
  • observe v

    a verb, "to watch or notice something"
  • obtain v
    a verb, "to get or acquire something"
  • obvious adj
    an adjective, "clear or easy to see"
  • obviously adv

    an adverb, "in an obvious way" or "clearly"
  • occasion n

    a noun, a special or notable event
  • Pursue
    A verb meaning to follow or chase after something or someone
  • Chase
    A verb meaning to run after someone or something in order to catch them