Begins to accumulate the components necessary for hemoglobin production
N:C ratio of 8:1
1 or 2Nuclei
Dark blue - RNA and ribosomes concentration
May show small tufts of irregular cytoplasm along the membrane periphery
Basophilic Normoblast
Condensation of Chromatin= revealing clumps (nuclear membrane periphery)
N:C ratio decreases to 6:1
Appear deeper, richer blue than in the Pronormoblast, hence basophilic
Polychromatic (Polychromatophilic) Normoblast
N:C ratio decreases from 4:1 to 1:1
Pink color - hemoglobin accumulation over time and concurrent decreasing amounts of RNA, resulting in a mixture of pink and blue
Murky gray-blue color
Orthochromic Normoblast
Pyknotic nucleus
N:C ratio is approximately 1:2
Increase in salmon pink color
Polychromatic (Polychromatophilic)Erythrocyte or Reticulocyte
Bluishtinge - residual ribosomes and RNA
A small amount of residual ribosomal RNA is present, however, and can be visualized with a vital stain such as new methylene blue
7 to 8 um in diameter (Rodak's 6th Ed)/6 to8 um in diameter (Brown's 6th Ed. Hematology)
Wright -stained blood film- salmon -pink stained cell with a central pale area that corresponds to the concavity 1/3 the diameter- central pallor
Begins to accumulate the components necessary for hemoglobin production
Basophilic Normoblast
Start of hemoglobin synthesis
Polychromatic (Polychromatophilic) Normoblast
Last stage capable of mitosis
Erythrokinetics is the term describing the dynamics of RBC production and destruction
The stimulus to red blood cell production
Matureerythrocyte, a nonnucleated cell: unable to generate new proteins (enzymes), cellular functions decline, the cell ultimately approaches death<|>Lacks mitochondria, therefore relies on glycolysis for ATP production<|>RBClifespan: 90-120days
Produced by peritubularfibroblasts in the kidneys in response to hypoxia<|>Has 3 major effects: early release of reticulocytes from the bone marrow, preventsapoptosis, and decreasestransittime of RBC to mature