Post-University Life

Cards (25)

  • Rizal continued his sojourn and went to France and Germany to specialize in what?
  • Why did Rizal chose to specialize in ophthalmology? Because of_______
    His mother's failing eyesight
  • In Paris, he apprenticed to the renowned ophthalmologist_____.
    Dr. Louis de Weckert
  • In Heidelberg, Rizal worked at the ______ under the direction of another renowned ophthalmologist.
    University Eye Hospital
  • At the University Eye Hospital, who was the German doctor that Rizal worked under?
    Dr. Otto Becker
  • Whose university lectures did Rizal attended to?
    Dr. Becker and Dr. Kuehne
  • Which university did Rizal befriended Professor Friedrich Ratzel of history and Dr. Hans Mayer of anthropology?
    University of Leipzig
  • Who was the Director of the Anthropological and Ethnological Museum?
    Dr. Adolph Meyer
  • Where did Rizal met Dr. Adolph Meyer?
  • He was a well known German scientist-traveler who wrote the book
    Travels in the Philippines
    Dr. Feodor Jagor
  • Where did Rizal met Dr. Feudor Hagor?
    In Berlin
  • Who was the other renowned German Anthropologist that Rizal met through Dr. Jagor?
    Dr. Rudolph Virchow
  • Who was the son of Dr. Rudolph Virchow?
    Dr. Hans
  • Dr. Hans was a professor of _____ _____.
    Descriptive Anatomy
  • Another renowned ophthalmologist that Rizal met
    German Dr. Karl Ernest Schweigger
  • What were the other distinguished scientific societies where Rizal also became a part of?
    Anthropological Society, Ethnological Society, and the Geographical Society of Berlin
  • At Barcelona, on his way to Paris, who did Rizal get reunited with?
    Maximo Viola
  • In Paris, Rizal would often visit the Pardo de Taveras, the _____ and __
    Lunas, Hidalgo
  • Where did Rizal see the light blue forget-me-nots? Along the banks of_____
  • What was the book that Rizal became inspired of writing when he saw the light blue forget-me-nots?
    A Las Flores de Heidelberg
  • In Paris, Rizal wrote a quarter of what book?
    Noli me Tangere
  • Where did Rizal corrected the Half of El Fili?
  • This is where Rizal wrote the latter half of Noli
  • Who did help Rizal in publishing the Noli in Berlin?
    Doctor Maximo Viola
  • Where did Rizal met Blumentritt for the first time?

    In Dresden, Lietmeritz