ICTPolicy is a road map to ICT implementation strategies. A road map of actions adopted and pursued by various governments involving issues in ICT such as access and civil liberties that are crucial to civil society.
Vision and Planning - ICT plan outlines the technology needs and initiatives to be implemented so that the school's objectives can be achieved. An ICT plan incorporates a vision and outlines the options for attaining these objectives.
ICTInfrastructure - Promote the provisions of accessible, universal, affordable, reliable, modern and high quality levels of ICT facilities and services.
Legal and Regulatory Framework - Provide for the creation of an enabling legal and regulatory environment that ensures the growth and development of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector.
Human Resource Development - Promote the use of ICT to enhance education and skills development and build a growing ICT- savvy Nation.
Industry - Use ICT to create an enabling and conducive environment for the promotion of investment and the development of a vibrant and sustainable economy.
Government - as a user, purchaser, and regulator must support the use of ICT for the innovative, effective and efficient delivery of information and services to the citizen and within the public sector.