Magnesium-Component of chlorophyll and Grignardsreagent (to form new carbon–carbon bonds)
Magnesium- Natural Ca-channel blocker
PTH-Controls Calevels in the blood
Radium-Radioactive element used for cancer radiotherapy & diagnostic purpose
Zinc-Present in insulin and carbonic anhydrase
Mercury-Treatment of syphilis
MgO+TannicAcid+Activated Charcoal- Component of universal antidote
Calcium gluconate-For Heart Failure
Strontium chloride- Temperature desensitizing agent
Barium sulfate- Radiopaque for GIT imaging
CadmiumSulfide- Anti-seborrheic
Potassium Mercuric Iodide- Component of Mayer's reagent
Zinc sulfate heptahydrate - White Lotion
Zinc sulfide- White sulfide
Cadmium sulfide- Yellow sulfide
MercuryIodideHgI- Treatment for syphilis
Mercury(II)Iodide HgI2- Stimulant of indolent ulcers
Democritus' Atomic Theory (460 BCE)
A scientific model that proposes matter is composed of indivisible particles called atoms, and atoms are eternal, indestructible, and have physical properties
Billiard Ball Model
John Dalton's 1803 model that describes elements as small, indivisible particles (atoms)that cannot be created nor destroyed.
•Inflammable air
• Lightest element
a.Protium- most abundant
b.Deuterium- heavy hydrogen(D2O)
c. Tritium- radioactive
Hydrogen: Hardness of water
• Temporary – Ca or Mg bicarbonates (removed by boiling/addition of OH source) • Permanent – sulfates, chlorides, or hydroxides of Ca or Mg
Lithium-Earth • Lightest metal • Depressant and Diuretic
• Side effect: hyponatremia
Lithium Bromide - Depressant
Lithium Carbonate (Lithase®, Eskalith®)- drug of choice for mania