MODULE 2 (principles of drug administration)

Cards (10)

  • rights of drug administration: the right client, the right drug, the right dose, the right time, the right route
  • nursing practice 5 rights:
    right assessment, right documentation, client's right to education, right evaluation, client's right to refuse
  • components of a drug: date & time order is written, drug name, drug dosage, route of administration, frequency and duration of administration, any special instructures
  • 4 categories of drug orders: standing orders, one-time (single dose), PRN, STAT (at once)
  • routes for drug administration: oral, inhalation, nasal, otic, ocular, topical/transdermal, parenteral, rectal
  • medication safety tips: avoid distractions, know your Rs, always ask and countercheck, stay updated, label properly, report, check on antidotes
  • measuring systems: metric system, apothecary system, household system
  • metric system- decimal system based on the power of ten. basic unit measurement are; gram for weight, liter for volume, meter for linear measurements for length
  • methods for calculation / drug calculations: tablet dosage calculations, fluid dosage calculations, intravenous fluid computation
  • fluid dosage calculations- to calculate amount of medication in solution for oral, intramascular, iv and subcutaneous injection