Conditional Sentences - Statements discussing known factors or hypothetical situations and their consequences.
A complete conditional sentence contains a conditional clause (if-clause) and the consequence (result clause)
Conditional sentences are made up of a dependent and an independent clause. It shows a possible cause and effect and states a condition that may occur or that has occurred. It contains a requirement
Clause - A group of words that contains a subject and a predicate
Six Tenses of Condition (PPPPFF):
Present Real
Present Unreal
Past Real
Past Unreal
Future Real
Future Unreal
What is the formula of Present Real Conditional?
IC - SImple Present Tense
RC - Simple Present Tense
What is the formula of Present Unreal Conditional?
IC - Simple Past Tense
RC - Would/Could/Might + Base Form of Verb
Were - Used for Present Unreal Conditional (I, you, they, we, she, he)