Persuasive Text - to persuade the reader to come to the same opinion as the writer.
Structure of Persuasive Text (OAAAC):
Argument 1
Argument 2
Argument 3
Introduction - what is the writing about and what is your opinion? It is very important. It is where topic is introduced and catches readers attention
Body - Arguments to support your opinion. It tells us everything we need to know
Conclusion - Repeat your point of view
Language Features - Usually written in present tense. Includes logical connectives to link ideas (therefore, however, moreover). Use emotive language (powerful verbs & strong adjective)
Language Features (CCEE):
Cause and Effect
Comparison - Similarly, Likewise
Cause & Effect - As a result, therefore
Emphasis (Impact) - Indeed, certainly
Exemplification - ask rhetorical questions (questions w/ no answer yet)
Emotive Words - Appeal to Hope and Aspiration. Counter arguments from the other point of view try and use some facts as well as opinions