The Day of Destiny - The whole book of king Arthur and his noble Knights of the round table
Excalibur - King Arthur's magic sword in medieval legends.
Sir Thomas Malory (1415-1471)
An English knight during the War of the Roses best known for his highly influential work of medieval literature
He wrote a book while in prison for various crimes (real or imagined)
When was the War of the Roses?
Le Morte D' Arthur (The Death of Arthur) - Regarded as Malory's first novel in English, the first in Western literature, and the most comprehensive treatment of the Arthurian legend
When did Malory complete Le Morte D' Arthur?
1469 CE
When was Malory released from prison?
Early 1470 CE
The Whole Book of King Arthur and of His Noble Knights of the Round Table - The original title for Malory's work
William Caxton - Mistook the title of the last chapter (Le Morte D' Arthur = The Death of Arthur) for that book.
When did Caxton publish the mistook title?
1485 CE
Other work of Malory:
The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell
Betwixt - amongst
Holden - that is to say
Betokens - to signify
Tomorn - tomorrow
Weened - to cry; to wine
Jesu - Jesus
Fortress - bulwark
Vengeance - retaliation
Hideous - fearsome
Standeth - abide
Characters of the Story
A) Igrayne
B) Uther Pendragon
C) Morgan Le Fay
D) Ector
E) Mordred
F) Merlin
G) Guinevere
H) Sir Lancelot
I) Tristan
J) Isolde
When did Malory write Le Morte D' Arthur?
The Death of Arthur
Le Morte D' Arthur
Accidental title of the book
The characters in Le Morte d' Arthur (KMMUI, LMEKS, SGTGY, LL):
King Arthur
Morgan Le Fay
Uther Pendragon
Lot King of Goddobin
Sir Gawain
Sir Gareth
Gaheris and Aggravain
The Lady of the Lake
Lucan and Bedivere
Lancelot Du Lake
The Knights (KLGGG, GGBEK, LTPAB):
King Arthur
Sir Lancelot
Sir Gawain
Sir Galahad
Sir Geraint
Sir Gareth
Sir Gaheris
Sir Bedivere
Sir Ector
Sir Kay
Sir Lamorak
Sir Tristan
Sir Percival
Sir Aggravain
Sir Bors de Ganis
King Arthur
Son of Uther Pendragon and Igrayne
Given to Merlin, who later counsels him in all matters
Raised by Ector until he pulls the Excalibur from the stone
Becomes the mightiest king of his time
Chalice - a large cup or goblet, typically used for drinking wine.
Excalibur - King Arthur's magic sword in medieval legends.
King Arthur's most trusted advisor, prophet, magician, and friend
The magician who counsels King Arthur
Morgan Le Fay
Arthur's half sister
Steals the scabbard of Excalibur which protects Arthur and throws it into a lake
Uther Pendragon's third daughter
Marries King Uriens
Tries to kill Arthur so her lover, Accolon, can be king
Morgan Le Fay is the daughter of Igrayne and her first husband, the Duke of Cornwall.
Uther Pendragon
The mightiest of all English kings
The father of King Arthur as well as three daughters
The wife of the Duke of Cornwall
Uther Pendragon seduces and later marries her
Mother of King Arthur and Morgan Le Fay
Round Table - An imaginary table at which knights were said to have sat around King Arthur's court, symbolizing equality among them.
Lot King of Goddobin
A king married to Morgan Le Fay
Arthur seduces Morgan Le Fay, not knowing that she is Arthur's sister, and they are the parents of Mordred
One of the 11 kings who are hostile to Arthur
Son of King Arthur and Morgan Le Fay
They kill each other (Arthur) in a battle for the throne of England
Half-brother to Gawain, Gareth, and Aggravain
The knight who raised Arthur until the boy pulled the sword from the stone and claimed his right to the throne.
Goes on the Grail Quest but fails
Grail Quest - The quest for the Holy Grail, which was believed to be the cup that Jesus drank from at the Last Supper
Sir Ector's son
He is knighted by Arthur and later goes with Arthur on a pilgrimage to St. Michael's Mount