Data Structures & Conditionals

Cards (28)

  • When using the equals sign operator, = is an assignment operator, while == is a relational operator.
  • The OR operator returns TRUE if either condition is TRUE, else it will return FALSE.
  • The AND operator only returns TRUE if both conditions if TRUE, else it will return FALSE.
  • Any non-zero number in Python is interpreted as TRUE.
  • IF statements are structured with a header followed by an indented body. This structure is called a block.
  • There are two types of loops:
    • For loops
    • While loops
  • Input the correct keywords:

    for char in "alpha":
  • A FOR loop iterates over a set range of intervals whereas a WHILE loop iterates only as long as some condition is TRUE.
  • There are two ways of controlling loops:
    • BREAK
  • BREAK exits the loop body immediately.
  • CONTINUE skips ahead to the next iteration in a loop.
  • A list is a python data structure that contains a sequential collection of zero or more Python data objects.
  • Lists are mutable, meaning that values of an item in the list are modifiable.
  • The IN operator asks whether an item is in a sequence.
  • Tuples are immutable, meaning that values of an item in the list are unable to be modified.
  • A tuple is an ordered sequence of values of any data type.
  • Using tuples enable functions to return more than one value.
  • Strings are usually indicated with single or double quotation marks around it.
  • In order to concatenate two strings, we use the + operator to combine the two strings together.
  • In order to repeat a string, the * operator is used to repeat the string by the number of times inputted.
  • Indexing a string or a list is done by using square brackets and the value's index. E.g. schools [ 0 ] to locate the first school.
  • Slicing a string or a list is done by using square brackets with a colon splitting the lower bound and upper bound. E.g. schools [ 0:5 ] to extract the first 5 schools.
  • When slicing, the lower bound is inclusive while the upper bound is exclusive.
  • Format specifiers allows control of the fill character, alignment, sign, width, precision, and type of data when it's substituted for the replacement field.
  • The format of a specifer is <width>.<precision><type> , where width specifies the number of letters/digits allowed, precision is the number of decimal places, and type indicates the data type.
  • A dictionary contains a key that is mapped to a value, also known as a key-value pair/item.
  • A list is an ordered sequence of objects, whereas a dictionary is an unordered set.
  • A dictionary key must be:
    • Unique within the dictionary
    • Immutable