Relative deprivation (too deterministic, Marxist that even the bourgeoisie commit crime)
Subcultures (not all subcultures are criminal, there are people who are not in subcultures and still commit crime)
Marginalised (strain of anomie, status frustration, no explanation for why crime is the outlet of their frustration opposed to other behaviours (deviance))
Rational Choice Theory (overstates the offender's rationality and how far they have cost-benefit calculations before committing a crime, too deterministic, working class may not know the consequences, due to the lack of education)
Biological Factors (if low intelligence was an explanation for why people commit crime, it would not explain why Asians have such high crime statistics but are simultaneously the highest achievers in education, Marxists suggest that this explanation fails to explain the importance of material deprivation and the social factors that leads to people committing crimes out of necessity, this also does not explain non-utilitarian crimes)
Inadequate Socialisation (too deterministic to assume that all people in the under/ working class are inadequately socialised, too deterministic to assume that if you are 'inadequately socialised' you would be a criminal)