Rizal as a Student

Cards (28)

  • Why Rizal went to Europe?
    • Cure his mother's eyesight
    • Obtain a better education
    • To challenge his poetic genius
    • Disappointment with the Dominican Education
    • A secret mission
  • They must not know of Rizal's journey to Europe
    Doña Teodora and Don Francisco
  • Much more refined than his other countrymen and colleagues that Rizal has met 
    Donato Lecha
  • From Singapore, he continued his journey riding which ship?
  • The place Rizal described as more beautiful, smart, and elegant than Singapore, Point Galle, and Manila
  • In Africa, he wrote a prayer which he offered to ___
    Creative Spirit
  • Where did he met the Egyptian quarantine physician who told him of a rebellion against the sultan?
    Suez Canal
  • He noted of multi-racial inhabitants who spoke with different languages
    Port Said
  • What was the mother song of revolutions
    La Marseillaise
  • Place where Edmond Dantes was imprisoned for false charges, and where he planned his revenge.
    Chateau d'If
  • Rizal's favorite novel
    The Count of Monte Cristo
  • Rizal enrolled in ___ for the courses Medicine, and Philosophy and Letters
    Central Madrid University
  • Other courses of Rizal in CMU
    painting, sculpture, and language lessons in french, german, and english
  • A poem addressed to his mother
    Mi Piden Versos
  • The organization whose aim was to quietly assist efforts in improving the condition back in the Philippines
    Circulo Hispano Filipino
  • Rizal's suggestion of, "a good means of propaganda would be a book telling the truth about the Philippine conditions illustrated by Filipino artists", led to the publication of which books?
    Noli Me Tangere, and El Filibusterismo
  • The Paternos organized a gathering to honor which artists?
    Juan Luna, and Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo
  • Painting by Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo?
    Las Virgenes Cristianas Expuestas al Populacho
  • Painting by Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo?
    Las Virgenes Cristianas Expuestas al Populacho
  • Painting by Juan Luna?
  • List of people that Rizal liked?
    Luna, Hidalgo, Jaena, and Del Pilar
  • He was Rizal's opposite, a medical studies dropout, a spendthrift, and a little regard for conventions
    Graciano Lopez Jaena
  • Rizal's greatest ally and rival?
    Marcelo H. Del Pilar
  • Where did he spend more or less two months of summer vacation in 1883?
    Paris, France
  • Rizal was conferred the Licentiate in Medicine on?
    June 21, 1884
  • Reasons why Rizal almost did not receive his diploma?
    1. He did not read his doctor's thesis
    2. He did not pay the corresponding fees
    3. He joined the demonstrations to protest against the new Rector
  • Who was the liberal history professor who delivered a speech proclaiming "freedom of science and the teacher"?
    Miguel Morayta
  • Who replaced the rector who resigned?
    Dr. Creus