Ecological Pyramids

Cards (2)

  • Pyramid of numbers
    • To compare the number of organisms present in each trophic level at a particular time.
    Constructing a pyramid of numbers:
    1. 1 bar for each tropic level; first trophic level at the bottom
    2. Length of the bar represents the number of organisms in each trophic level
    3. Longer bar = higher number (proportional in length; give suitable scale when given grids to plot)
    4. Height of all bars are the same
  • Pyramid of biomass
    • To compare the dry mass of organisms present in each trophic level at a particular time.
    Constructing a pyramid of biomass:
    1. 1 bar for each tropic level; first trophic level at the bottom
    2. Length of the bar represents the mass of organisms in each trophic level
    3. Longer bar = higher mass (try to be proportional in length)
    4. Height of all bars are the same