Cards (76)

  • Viable Cell Count, Turbidity, Biomass Density
    measure of cell concentration
  • Robert Koch
    Disproved the idea that tuberculosis was inherited, guided the research that led to the isolation of Vibrio cholera, and found the way of growing bacteria in pure culture
  • Clostridium difficile
    Can proliferate and produce a toxin that causes diarrhea
  • Syndrome
    Group of signs and symptoms associated with a disease
  • Clonal expansion of effector cells
    Characteristic of adaptive immune response and not the innate immune response
  • Analytical Epidemiology
    Analyze a disease to determine its probable cause
  • Ergosterol
    Used by fungal cells as part of their cell membrane
  • Stomach
    Body site that has a relatively low microbial load compared to others
  • Defensin
    (+) charged peptides located primarily in the GI and lower respiratory tracts that creates holes in bacterial cell walls and hence disrupt the bacterial membrane
  • IgA
    Frequently responsible for inhibition of bacteria on mucosal surfaces
  • TLR 5
    Responsible for bacterial flagelin
    E. coli is a prominent member of the normal flora of the throat
  • Secondary Infection
    Caused by opportunistic pathogen after primary infection has weakened
  • Streptococcus mutans
    Common member of normal flora in the human mouth
  • Opportunistic Pathogen
    Capable of causing disease when the host's resistance is impaired
  • TRUE
    Toxins that initiate chemotaxis are not antiphagocytic factors
  • Spontaneous Generation
    Microorganisms arose from nonliving things
  • Autotrophs
    Cells that use photosynthetic energy to reduce carbon dioxide
  • C. perfringens
    Capable of producing lecithinase and IgA1 protease
  • Anaphylaxis
    Immediate hypersensitivity reaction following exposure to a sensitized individual to the appropriate antigen
  • Phase Contrast Microscope
    Light waves passing through transparent objects
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis
    Considered to be pathogens
  • Alexander Fleming
    Isolated penicillin from P. notatum
  • Sporogenesis
    Environment is lacking or deficient of nutrients
  • Transient Microbiota
    Present for a certain time period then disappear
  • SEM Microscope
    The first electron microscope to be developed which used a beam of electrons projected from an electron gun
  • Carolus Linnaeus
    Developed a general classification system for all living organisms
  • Viroids
    Nucleic acids without a protein coating
  • DIC Microscope
    Employ a polarizer to produce polarized light
  • Pathogenesis
    Studies how disease develops
  • Pathology
    Study of disease
  • Thucydides
    Observed that people who had recovered from the plague could take care of plague victims without danger of getting the disease again
  • Glycocalyx
    Extracellular polysaccharide material used by bacteria
  • Macrophage
    Monocytes move from the systemic circulatory system into general connective tissues where they differentiated into this phagocytic cell type
  • Nitrogen Fixation
    Property unique to prokaryotes, and relatively few bacteria are capable of breaking the nitrogen triple bond
  • Ignaz Philipp Semelweiss
    He recognized a connection between autopsies and childbed fever and initiated the use of carbolic acids in bandages
  • Stationary
    Slow loss of cells through death, which is balanced by the formation of new cells through growth and division
  • Lactobacillus species
    Normal genital flora microorganism that greatly decreases in bacterial vaginosis
  • Blood Type O
    Universal donor because the blood has no antigens
  • Biomass Density
    Dry weight of a microbial culture after being washed with distilled water