What do you do if someone has abdominal pain with pressure, nausea, and vomiting after having a body jacket brace?
Gastric decompression.
When is a long leg cast used over a short leg cast?
Fractures involving the knee or thigh, or if the ankle is unstable.
What is a cylinder cast used?
Knee injuries or fractures.
What is a Robert-Jones dressing?
Type of wrapping that temporarily limits mobility.
How should extremities be managed after a fracture or injury?
Elevate above the heart on pillows for 24 hours
Do not place in a dependent position
Observe for compartment syndrome
When is external fixation used?
Use for complex fractures with extensive soft tissue damage.
What is electrical bone growth stimulation used for?
Facilitate healing process by increasing calcium uptake and production of bone growth factors, increase collages synthesis, promote growth of new vessels.
What methods can electrical bone growth stimulation be administered?
Noninvasive, semiinvasive, and invasive (electrode placement).