People making appropriate use of food, based on knowledge of basic nutrition and care, and having access to water and sanitation for preparing food and maintaining proper hygiene
A state of long-term undernourishment where people suffer if their daily energy intake for an extended period of time is below what they would need for a healthy and active life
Wars and conflicts cause farmers to flee, leaving them unable to cultivate their fields, destroy roads and agricultural infrastructure, and limit trade leading to food scarcity and high prices
Inequality between rich and poor is increasing, with the richest 1% possessing nearly half the global fortune while the poorest have almost no chance to free themselves from hardship
Unfair trade agreements and subsidies create market access and price advantages for enterprises from industrial nations, while developing countries primarily export raw materials with profits skimmed off
Governments in developing countries often do not align their policies to the needs of the poorest population, lack strategies to promote agriculture, and corruption is a major obstacle to development
If everyone lived as the rich countries do, resources like water and land would soon be exhausted, leading to expansion of deserts, soil erosion, water scarcity and extreme weather phenomena as a result of climate change
Monoculture production methods used in the banana industry in Latin America and Africa can destroy entire ecosystems, consume large amounts of agrochemicals that pollute water supplies and impact worker health