Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Exposure to traumatic stressor:
- actual/threatened death or serious injury or sexual violence
- include direct experience of event, witnessing event, or learning about event to close family member/friend
>1 symptoms from each category MUST develop -->
- psychological/physiological distress when encounters symbols
Avoidance: avoid thoughts, places, conversations that are reminders of event
Negative alterations in cognition and mood:
- negative beliefs/expectations
- negative emotional states
- inability to experience positive emotion
- diminished interest/participation in activities
- detachment/estrangement from others
Alterations in arousal and reactivity:
- irritable and angry outbursts
- reckless/self-destructive behavior
- exaggerated startle response
Onset: begin w/in 3 mo of trauma (can begin ANYTIME)
Vulnerable populations: young adults w/ sudden-onset, life-threatening medical events