Several other lhakhangs, including Lhakhang Karpo and Nagpo in Haa, and Koenchog – Sum Lhakhang and Gayney Lhakhang in Bumthang were constructed around the 6th or 7th centuryAD and perhaps even earlier than Kyichu and Jampa Lhakhangs
There would have been several other lhakhangs perhaps built throughout the country around the same period which over these 1,500 years may have been destroyed by fire, earthquakes and other natural forces
The newly discovered information on some of our ancient lhakhangs further prove that Buddhism was already flourishing in Bhutan much earlier than believed hitherto
Important pilgrimage place for the Bhutanese and people from all over the Buddhist Himalayas
Daily place of worship for the villagers in its vicinity
Hosts the great prayer Monlam chenmo annually
Hosts the Drup/grub festival from the 15th to the 19th of the 9th Bhutanese month, which sees thousands of people from all over Bumthang and beyond come to watch the religious dances and buy things at the fair