attachment theory

Cards (9)

  • theory argues that due to the continuity hypothesis affecting adult relationships, insecure resistant attachment types are more likely to form a parasocial relationship than those with a secure attachment type du to their template in the IWM
  • two attachment types associated with unhealthy emotional development ?
    insecure resistant and insecure avoidant
  • insecure resistant ?

    most likely to form parasocial relationships as adults as they need to have unfulfilled needs met, but within a relationship where rejection is not possible
  • insecure avoidant ?

    not likely to form parasocial relationships, they prefer to avoid pain and rejection of relationships whether they are social or parasocial
  • a03 supporting evidence?
    cole and leets got 115 students to complete the parasocial scale and two attachment-style questionnaires, their findings reflected the suggestions of the theory
  • a03 reductionism ?
    reduced PSR to being caused by having an insecure resistant attachment type, does not consider other factors such as absorption addiction model which argus PSRS form due to poor psychological functioning. Therefore, the attachment theory oversimplifies PSRS
  • general a03?
    • most research uses self report measures to collect data
    • p's may be answering out of social desirability bias as PSRS and psychological functioning are sensitive topics
    • therefore research or both theories may lack validity
  • general a03?
    • most studies use correlational data, this means cause and effect cannot be inferred
    • it is not sure which co-variable is influencing the other and in what way or alternatively if its a whole new factor causing these associations
    • a way of resolving this would be to carry out longitudinal research with before and after measures
  • general a03
    • research can be generalised cross-culturally,
    • research has shown tendencies for people to identify a PSr with harry potter but schmid and klimmt state this is not culturally specific, using a questionnaire they found similar levels of `PSR to harry potter in both individualistic and collectivist cultures
    • this suggests research has cross-cultural validity