-A vast storehouse of biological drives and instincts that has a significant influence on our behaviour and personality.
- Also contains threatening and disturbing memories that have been repressed.
Preconscious mind (underneath the surface of conscious mind) - Thoughts and ideas we may become aware of during dreams or through 'Slips of the tongue' (parapraxes).
- The part of personality that, according to Freud, represents internalized ideals and provides standards for judgment (the conscience) and for future aspirations.
The childhood stages of development (oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital) during which, according to Freud, the id's pleasure-seeking energies focus on distinct erogenous zones.
Freud's third stage of personality development, from about age 4 through age 7, during which children obtain gratification primarily from the genitals.
Freud's last stage of personality development, from the onset of puberty through adulthood, during which the sexual conflicts of childhood resurface (at puberty) and are often resolved during adolescence.
- Psychoanalysis is the forerunner to many modern-day 'talking therapies', such as counselling, that have since been established.
- HOWEVER, although Freudian therapists have claimed success for many patients with mild neuroses, psychoanalysis is regarded as inappropriate, even harmful, for people experiencing more serious mental disorders (such as schizophrenia).
Explanatory power
- Had a huge influence on psychology and contemporary thought.
- Popper argued that the psychodynamic approach doesn't meet the scientific criterion of falsification.
- It isn't open to empirical testing.
- Many of Freud's concepts (such as the Id and Oedipus Complex) are said to occur at an unconscious level, making them difficulty, if not impossible, to test.
Psychic determinism
- An extreme view because it dismisses any possible influence of free will on behaviour.
- Freud thought the horse represented his father as he was scared his father would castrate him for desiring his mother - this is the Oedipus complex theory