Humanistic Psychology

Cards (10)

  • Free Will
    The idea that human beings are free to make their own choices
  • Humanistic Psychology
    A clinical viewpoint emphasizing human ability, growth, potential, and free will.
  • Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
    (level 5) Self Actualisation
    (level 4) Self Esteem
    (level 3) Relationships, Love and Affection
    (level 2) Safety and Security
    (level 1) Physiological Needs
  • Self-actualisation
    The desire to grow psychologically and fulfil one's full potential - becoming what you are capable of
  • Self
    The ideas and values that characterise 'I' and 'me' and includes perception and valuing of 'what I am' and 'what I can do
  • Congruence
    State of being in which our thoughts about our real and ideal selves are very similar
  • Conditions of Worth
    According to Rogers, expectations we place on ourselves for appropriate and inappropriate behaviour.
  • Strengths of humanistic psychology
    Not reductionist
    - Rejects attempts to break up behaviour and experience into smaller components (reductionism).
    - Humanistic psychologists advocate holism, the idea that subjective experience can only be understood by considering the whole person.
    - HOWEVER, the ideal of science is the experiment, and experiments reduce behaviour to independent and dependent variables. Therefore, humanistic psychology is short on empirical evidence to support its claims.

    Positive approach
    - Offers a refreshing and optimist alternative to other approaches.
  • Limitations of humanistic psychology
    Cultural Bias
    - Many of the ideas that are central to humanistic psychology would be much more readily associated with countries that have more individualistic tendencies.
    - Countries with collectivist tendencies emphasise more the needs of the group and interdependence.

    Limited application
    - Little impact in psychology and little practical application in the real world.
  • Rogers' client-centred therapy

    Goal is to create an environment in which clients can see themselves honestly with acceptance