Explanations for forgetting

    Cards (15)

    • Interference theory
      The theory that people forget not because memories are lost from storage but because other information gets in the way of what they want to remember
    • Proactive interference

      The disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information.

      PROactive - affects new information
    • Retroactive interference
      The disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

      RETROactive - affects old information
    • McGeoch and McDonald (1931)

      - Participants had to learn a list of words until they could recall with 100% accuracy.
      - They then learned a new list.
      - The recall of the original list depended on the nature of the 2nd.
      - Synonyms produce the worst recall.
      - This shows that interference is strongest when memories are similar.
    • Strengths of interference theory
      Real-world interference
      - Baddeley and Hitch (1977) Rugby players asked to recall the names of teams they remember.
      - Time not so much a factor in recall but recall was reduced by interference

      Support from drug studies
      - Coenen and Luijelaar (1997)
      - Gave participants a list of words and recalled them.
      - Learning a list under the drug diazepam, recall one week later was poor, compared to a control placebo group.
      - When list was learnt before drug, recall was better than placebo.
    • Retrieval failure
      The inability to recall long-term memories because of inadequate or missing retrieval cues
    • Cues
      A stimulus that has a particular significance to the perceiver (e.g., a sight or a sound that has special relevance to the person who saw or heard it).
    • Encoding specificity principle
      The idea that cues and contexts specific to a particular memory will be most effective in helping us recall it.
    • Mnemonic techniques

      A strategy for aiding memory, often by using imaginary or enhancing the emotional meaning of what needs to be learned.
    • Context-dependent forgetting
      Failure to retrieve information from LTM due to the absence of appropriate contextual cues
    • State-dependent forgetting
      Forgetting related to changes in context associated with internal cues of physical and mental state.
    • Godden and Baddeley (1975) Context-dependent forgetting

      - Researches using 18 divers, 36 unrelated words.
      - 4 conditions to learn and recall: DD, DW, WW, WD.
      - Easier to recall in same place.
    • Carter and Cassaday (1998) State-dependent forgetting
      Study on state-dependent forgetting: state cues were drowsiness due to antihistamine medication v no medication while learning and recalling
    • Strengths of retrieval failure
      Real-world application
      - Can help overcome some forgetting in everyday situations.
      - Reminds us of strategies we use in the real-world to improve our recall.

      Research support
      - Godden and Baddeley
      - Carter and Cassaday
    • Limitations of retrieval failure
      Recall verse recognition
      - Godden and Baddeley replicated their underwater experiment but used a recognition test instead of recall.
      - When recognition was tested, there was no context-dependent effect, performance was the same in all 4 conditions.
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