Caregiver-Infant Interactions

    Cards (8)

    • Reciprocity
      The actions in one, elicits response in the other.
    • Alert phases
      From birth babies signal when they are ready to interact.

      Feldman and Eidelman - mothers pick up on and respond to baby's alertness around two-thirds of the time.

      Feldman - From around 3 months, this interaction becomes increasingly frequent and involves mother and baby playing attention to each other's signals.
    • Active involvement
      - Babies as well as caregivers can take active role.
      - Brazelton et al described interaction as a dance because its just like a couples dance where each partner responds to each other persons moves
    • Interactional synchrony
      A form of communication in which the caregiver responds to infant signals in a well-timed, rhythmic, appropriate fashion and both partners match emotional states, especially positive ones.
    • Meltzoff and Moore (1977)

      - Modelled tongue protrusion, mouth opening, lip protrusion and sequential finger movement to 18 new-borns aged 12-21 days in two separate experiments.
      - The results of the study indicated that when infants viewed a modelled gesture, they produced significantly more matching responses to the modelled gesture than when viewing a different modelled gesture.
    • Isabella et al (1989)

      Observed 30 mothers and their infants, they found the higher levels of synchrony were associated with better quality attachments.
    • Strengths of caregiver-infant interactions
      Filmed observations
      - Establishes the inter-rater reliability of observations.
      - Babies don't know they are being observed, so their behaviour doesn't change in response to observation (this is generally the main problem for overt observations).
      - Therefore has good reliability and validity.
    • Limitations of caregiver-infant interactions
      Difficulty observing babies
      - Young babies lack co-ordination and much of their bodies are almost immobile.
      - It is difficult whether a baby is smiling or passing wind.
      - We cannot know whether a movement such as a hand twitch was random or triggered by something the caregiver has done.

      Developmental importance
      - Feldman (2012)
      - Ideas like synchrony simply give names to patterns of observable caregiver and baby behaviours.
      - We can't be certain from observational research alone that reciprocity and synchrony are important for a child's development.
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