Bowlby's Theory

    Cards (9)

    • Monotropy
      The idea that the one relationship that the infant has with his/her primary attachment figure is of special significance in emotional development.
    • Law of continuity (Bowlby's monotropic theory)

      The more constant and predictable a child's care, the better the quality of their attachment.
    • Law of accumulated separation
      The effects of every separation from the mother add up
    • Social releasers
      - Bowlby suggested that babies are born with a set of innate cute behaviours like smiling that encourages the attention from an adult.
      - He called these social releasers as their purpose is to activate the adult attachment system i.e. make an adult feel love towards a child.
      - He also noticed this behaviour was a reciprocal process.
      - Both babies and mothers have innate predisposition to become attached and social releasers trigger that response in caregivers.
    • Critical period
      - Bowlby was influenced by Lorenz, believing that attachment was innate & that there was a critical period for it to occur.
      - Bowlby proposed that there is a critical period of around 2 years when the infant attachment system is active.
    • Sensitive period
      - 2 years, time child's attachment is active.
      - If not done more difficult to attach later.
    • Internal working model
      A set of beliefs and expectations about how people behave in social relationships, and also guidelines for interpreting others' actions, and habitual responses to make in social settings.
    • Limitations of Bowlby's theory of attachment
      Validity of monotropy challenged
      - Schaffer and Emerson found a significant minority of babies formed multiple attachments at the same time.
    • Strengths of Bowlby's theory of attachment
      Support for social releasers
      - Brazelton et al instructed primary attachment figures to ignore social releasers.
      - The babies got distressed and some curled up and lay motionless.

      Support for internal working model
      - Bailey et al measured mothers attachments to their own primary attachment figures.
      - Mothers with poor attachment to their primary attachment figures were more likely to have poorly attached babies.
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