Cultural Variations in Attachment

    Cards (8)

    • van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg procedure
      - Meta-analysis of 32 studies of the strange situation.
      - 2000 infants.
      - Studies in 8 different countries: USA, UK, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Israel, China and Japan.
    • van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg findings
      - secure = majority - 70%
      - lowest % of secure = China
      - highest % of secure = GB
      - western countries that supported independence (e.g. Germany) had high levels of insecure avoidant
      - eastern countries that were more culturally close (e.g. Japan) had high levels of insecure resistant
    • Individualist
      Culture in which the individual is valued more highly than the group

      E.g. United States, Canada, United Kingdom
    • Collectivist
      Cultures in which the individual is less important than the group.
    • Simonelli et al - an Italian study
      - Conducted a study in Italy to see whether proportions of babies of different attachment styles were the same as those found in previous attachment studies.
      - Assessed 76 12-month-old babies using the strange situation.
      - Found 50% were secure, 36% were insecure-avoidant.
      - This is a lower % of secure attachment that has been found in previous studies.
      - They suggest this is because increasing numbers of mothers of very young children work long hours & use daycare.
      - These findings suggest cultural changes can make a dramatic difference to patterns of secure & insecure attachment.
    • Jin et al - a Korean study
      - Korean study - strange situation.
      - 87 children
      - Overall proportions the same between secure and insecure however, only 1 insecure avoidant.
      - Similar to Japanese distribution - they have similar child rearing practices
    • Strengths of cultural variations in attachment
      Indigenous researchers
      - Indigenous researchers are those from the same cultural background as the participants.
      - Enhances the validity of the data collected.
    • Limitations of cultural variations in attachment
      Confounding variables
      - Studies conducted in different countries are not usually matched for methodology when they are compared in reviews/meta-analyses.

      Imposed etic
      - Imposed etic occurs when we assume an idea/technique that works in one cultural context will work in another.
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