
    Cards (7)

    • Correlation
      A measure of the extent to which two factors vary together, and thus of how well either factor predicts the other.
    • Co-variables
      The variables investigated within a correlation e.g. height and weight.
    • Positive correlation

      - A correlation where, as one variable increases, the other also increases, or as one decreases so does the other.
      - Both variables move in the same direction.
    • Negative correlation
      A finding that two factors vary systematically in opposite directions, one increasing as the other decreases.
    • Zero correlation

      When there is no relationship between the co-variables.
    • Strengths of correlations
      - Can be used when it is impractical/unethical to manipulate variables
      - Can rule out a causal relationship if there is zero correlation
    • Limitations of correlations
      - Correlation does not equal causation
      - Correlations can sometimes be explained by third (extraneous) variables