Cards (27)

  • Davie said many gender differences exist in practice, belief, self-id, private prayer and other aspects of religiosity
  • Census - Religion (Men:Women)

    Have a religion: 44%:56%
    Spiritual: 26%:38%
  • According to the census women have a greater interest and involvement in religion
  • Miller and Hoffman said people risk condemnation by not being religious and women dislike taking risks as they face more danger
  • Bedroom culture supports Miller and Hoffmans belief on women and risk
  • Women are socialised to be passive, obedient etc, religion values these qualities
  • Parsons supports that women are socialised into the churches values - instrumental/expressive roles
  • Davie said women are closer to birth and death so become more religious as it can be stressful and cause someone to question life
  • Miller and Hoffman state women are more likely to work half-time so can organise time for religious participation
  • Duncombe and Marsden state women have a triple shift - this is similar to Miller & Hoffmans argument of womens partime work and religious activity
  • Bruce says women are more likely to be religious as they have lower involvement in paid work - they deal with the private sphere of family and personal life
  • Brown had taken on secular, masculinised roles in a public sphere so it led to ’the decline of female piety’ as women withdraw from religion
  • Religion has a strong affinity to values such as caring - similar to a womans job at home
  • Men withdraw from religion meaning churches became feminised
  • Woodhead states church prioritises womens lives and priorities so are more attractive to women
  • Despite all these differences, most pastors are men
  • Women are associated with a ”nurture role” so are more attracted to New Age
  • Heelas and Woodhead found 80% of participants in holistic milieu in Kendal were female
  • Cults of healing give women a higher sense of self worth
  • Bruce says women prioritise feeling over achieving so like the New Age
  • Woodhead says the New Age is concerned with autonomy and personal growth rather then preformance, bypassing womens conflict of having both an instrumental and expressive role
  • New Age emphasises being real more then acting out roles - so women like it
  • Bruce found there is class differences in womens involvement in the New Age - Middle-class women prefer it
  • Bruce found twice as many women are in sects to men
  • Stark/Bainbridge state the religious market place offers compensators for the deprivation women are more common to have;
    • Organismic
    • Social
    • Ethical
  • Women have being leaving the main Christian churches in the UK at a faster rate than men
  • Aune et al explains womens fast leaving of churches as;
    • Feminism (they question gender roles)
    • Changing roles (More work giving identity)
    • Changing families (more diversity disliked by church)