To argue that recognising a cause of action may lead to a dramatic increase in litigation or a 'flood' of similar claims, exposing a Defendant to potentially indeterminate liability
The Judge's decision that the case against the defendant is proved and that the defendant should compensate the Claimant (or, in the case of 'Nuisance' be subject to an 'injunction')
The aim of a tort award is to place the claimant back into the position they occupied before the matter under consideration – in so far as money can do so
Judges aim, where possible, to 'balance the interests of the parties' in a case, provided the interests are on the same level. When they are on different levels the public interest will take precedence over the private
Purpose - Tort to provide compensation, Crime to maintain law and order<|>Standard of proof - Tort lower, Crime higher<|>Judiciary - Tort a sole judge, Crime may be magistrate or jury<|>Consequences - Tort compensation, Crime punishment/imprisonment