Measures of dispersion

Cards (5)

  • Range - distance between the highest and the lowest value
    Strengths: simple and easy to calculate
    Limitations: doesn't take central values of data into account, can be skewed by extreme values
  • Standard deviation - is a measure which shows to what extent the values in a data set deviate from the mean
  • low SD reflects that data is tightly clustered around the mean which might imply all ppts responded in similar way
  • Standard deviation
    Strengths: can be calculated using all values, may be more representative than range, much more precise measurement than the renge
    Limitations: use of all measurements can be distorted by extreme values
  • Standard deviation tells us the average distance of each score from the mean.​
    68% of normally distributed data is within 1 sd each side of the mean​
    95% within 2 sd​
    • Almost all is within 3 sd​