
Cards (12)

  • Neurones
    Specialised cells of the nervous system which carry electrical impulses around the body
  • Nerve
    A bundle of neurones
  • Features found in all types of neurone
    • Long fibre known as an axon
    • Cell body that contains the nucleus and other cellular structures
    • Axon terminal at the end of the axon containing many nerve endings
  • Myelinated neurones
    • Axon insulated by a myelin sheath with small uninsulated sections along its length (called nodes of Ranvier)
    • Myelin sheath formed by Schwann cells wrapping around the axon
    • Electrical impulses jump from one node to the next
  • Non-myelinated neurones
    • Axon is uninsulated
    • Impulse travels more slowly as it moves through the entire length of the axon
  • Main types of neurone
    • Sensory
    • Relay (intermediate)
    • Motor
  • Sensory neurones
    Carry impulses from receptors to the CNS (brain or spinal cord)
  • Relay (intermediate) neurones

    Found entirely within the CNS and connect sensory and motor neurones
  • Motor neurones
    Carry impulses from the CNS to effectors (muscles or glands)
  • Sensory neurone structure

    • Cell body branches off in the middle of the cell
    • Single long dendron that carries impulses to the cell body
    • Single long axon that carries impulses away from the cell body
  • Relay neurone structure
    • Short, but highly branched, axons and dendrites
  • Motor neurone structure
    • Large cell body at one end that lies within the spinal cord or brain
    • Nucleus always in its cell body
    • Many highly-branched dendrites extending from the cell body