Cards (16)

  • Verb - a word that expresses an action, a state of being, or occurrence, forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence.
  • Verb is categorize into four characteristics.
  • The first characteristic is that verb has five forms which are:
    1. The Base form
    2. The S-form (third-person singular)
    3. The ING-form (present tense)
    4. The Past Tense
    5. The Past Participle
  • The second characteristic is that verb expresses an action or state of being.
  • Verb - it helps make a statement.
  • The third characteristic is that verb may be signaled by one or more auxiliaries.
  • The fourth characteristic is that verb may come in three positions, which are:
    • Verb follows a noun (verb after a noun)
    • Verb precedes a noun (verb before a noun)
    • Verb stands alone or follows a request signal from in a request or command sentence.
  • Fly, climb, walk, and swim is an example of the Base form of a verb.
  • He flies, she climbs, we walk, they swim is an example of the S-form of a verb.
  • She is flying, he was climbing, they were walking, it will swim is an example of the ING-form of a verb.
  • He flew, she climbed, we walked, they swam is an example of the Past Tense of a verb.
  • Auxiliary verbs are used to make tenses, voices, and moods.
  • I play volleyball during weekends. (Play tells an action)
  • They had played tennis yesterday. (Had played signaled one or more auxiliaries)
  • The women are singing. (Verb follows a noun)
  • We studied the Structural Functionalism. (Verb precedes a noun)