Sucrose Maltese lactose(double sugars , clear respiration to make energy) 2 monosaccharides produce 1 disaccharides starch Glucose in plants , glycogen Glucose in
Starch cellulose glycogen (complex molecule neither sweet nor soluble) starch and chitin- in insects. Cellulose adds roughage to
Energy source
Gives energy for cellular activities
Fats and Oils: Lipids
Store energy
Lipids - 3 fatty acids joined onto glycerol backbone
Made C,H,O,P
Insoluble in water , soluble in chloroform
Emulsify: break into smaller droplets
1 lipids= 3 fatty acids and 1 glycerol molecule
Saturated fats: solid at room temperature
Unsaturated(oils): liquid at room temp
Fatty acids can narrow inside of arteries , slowing blood flow . Heart disease known as Atherosclerosis